Stories of Napoleon's bravery and courage?
I hope it's helpful for you.
pls Mark as brainlist ans pls

don't know if it qualifies as a "great" story but his valet, Constant, wrote in his "intimate memories" testimony of this event :
"The emperor, during a review on the place of carousel, had his horse rearing and in the efforts made to retain control, his hat fell to the ground. A lieutenant (his name was, I think, Rabusson) at whose feet the hat had fallen picked it up and left the ranks to give it back to his majesty. "Thank you captain," said the Emperor still busy calming his horse. "In what regiment, Sire?" The officer asked. The emperor then looked at him with more attention and perceiving his mistake said, smiling: "Oh that's just sir, in the guard." The captain received a few days after the patent he owed to his presence of mind, but wich he had previously deserved for his bravery and ability