English, asked by lillyvince6452, 1 year ago

Stories on the theme - Fools rush in where angels fear to tread


Answered by upenderjoshi28


           Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

Sometimes our foolishness costs us dearly; a foolish act not only wastes our time but also our energy and money. Harsh paid the price for his foolishness and when to earn money quickly he spent his savings in an investment plan that promised 100 % returns within 3 months.  

He invested ₹ 50000/- in hope of getting ₹ 100,000. One of his friends suggested him this investment plan. Harsh remained quite excited all these three months. He had planned to construct a new room for himself to work from home at night. He was getting night time work offer from his company and could do the work from home.  

Three months were over. It was time to get his money back multiplied into double. He along with his friend reached the company’s office and was shocked to find the office locked. He asked at a neighboring office where the next-door company had gone. He was informed that the company he was talking about was involved in frauds. Its owner had promised many people double returns for their investments. The owner had been absconding and the police were trying to arrest him.  

Harsh felt very sad! He was regretting for investing in a company whose authenticity he had not confirmed. His friend was sorry too.

Moral: We should not act foolishly.

Related content can be read here: https://brainly.in/question/10771770

Answered by smartbrainz

"Fools rush in where Angels fear to thread":

There's an old saying that "Fools rush to the places where angels fear to thread" because fools do not think of the consequences that they can face and jumps to the situations without giving much thought to anything. But angels are smart and they foresee the consequences before doing anything. Here's a story about it.  'Once there was a young mouse named Henry' who was always curious to explore the world outside of their house.

Despite being warned by his parents about the dangers outside he one day managed to escape the house. He ventured to the outer world happily but forgot his way back home. 'There he was also attacked by a big cat', where he managed to survive but lost his tail in the attack. He was scared and was crying hiding in a dark place. He was soon spotted by a family friend who brought him back to home. He learned his lesson at the cost of losing his tail that we must not be fools to rush into anything instead we must think before we act.

To know more

Please complete the following story -

Once a boy was coming home from school. He noticed a purse lying on the road. He picked it up and found it was full of notes. He put it into his pocket. But just then a policeman................


Story writing - a pampered daughter of a wealthy family - fond of modern gadgets - birthday arrived - wanted an iPhone - visited countryside - saw a poor woman - teaching poor kids - decided to help - brought things of their needs - celebrated her birthday by helping them - best birthday of her life


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