Story based on all the glitters are not gold
A peacock always boasted about his beautiful looks. Everyday bit used to go to the bank of a river he would stand there and admire his own reflection in the water. He would say “ just look at my tail ! look at the colours in my feathers ! look at me I must be the most beautiful bird in the world” .
One day , the peacock saw a crane on the bank . He looked at it and turned his face away. Then he rudely said to the crane, “ What a colourless bird you are your feathers look so plain and dull ” . The crane said, “ your feather are surely beautiful and mine not, but so what ?
with your beautiful feathers you cannot fly very high, while my colourless feathers can fly very high , while my feathers can carry me high up in the sky "
MORAL : All Glitters are not Gold....
All that glitters is not gold
Once a red deer went to a river to quench his thirst. As he was drinking, he saw his reflection in the clear water. He looked at his horns and thought how beautiful they are. Then he saw his legs. He felt very sad on seeing his thin ugly legs.
Suddenly the red deer heard the howls of hounds. He started running to save his life. He was running so fast that the hounds were left far behind. But as he was running through the forest, his horns were caught in the bush. He tried to set himself free but could not. The hungry hounds reached him and killed him.
The thin ugly legs helped the red deer to escape. But his beautiful horns got entangled in the bush leading to his death.
The proverb "all that glitters is not gold" expresses the wisdom that the attractive external appearance of something or someone is not a reliable indication of its true nature. Appearance can be greatly misleading and we must be careful not trust everything we see. To assume something as precious or valuable on the basis of mere appearance is unwise.