English, asked by rubyaizpersonal, 5 months ago

Story canterville ghost

Why do you think, the ghost felt a little humiliated at first when he used The Rising Sun Lubricator? ​


Answered by Shivali2708

In "The Canterville Ghost," the ghost is humiliated by the Otis family after his very first appearance. This occurs in Chapter Two, late in the night, when the Otis family are all asleep in their beds. Mr Otis is woken by a "curious noise in the corridor" that sounds like a "clank of metal." He lights a match and opens his bedroom door to find an old man "of terrible aspect" with "heavy manacles" hanging from his wrists and ankles. It is Sir Simon, the ghost, carrying his chains up and down the corridor.

Mr Otis's reaction catches the ghost completely off guard. He is expecting Mr Otis to be frightened but instead he addresses the ghost directly:

"My dear sir," said Mr. Otis, "I really must insist on your oiling those chains, and have brought you for that purpose a small bottle of the Tammany Rising Sun Lubricator."

After offering the lubricator, Mr Otis closes his bedroom door and goes back to bed. The ghost stands completely "motionless" as he tries to come to terms with this abject failure. To make matters worse, the twins then intercept the ghost on his retreat to his room and throw their pillows at him. The ghost is now completely shocked and humiliated, having never been treated in such a manner.

Hope it helps..

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