English, asked by puja3548, 1 year ago

A. Answer the following questions on the basis of your reading of the text.
1. What was Mini fond of as a child? How do her parents feel about this?
2. Why was Mini scared of the Kabuliwallah at first?
3. How does Mini overcome her fear of Kabuliwallah?
4. What does the author do when he sees Mini with the Kabuliwallah's gifts?
What does the Kabuliwallah do?
5. What does Rahmun mean when he says "father-in-law's house”?
6. Rahmun was away for eight years because:
a. he went back to Kabul.
C. he was ill.
b. he was arrested in some case.
d. he was annoyed with Mini.
7. Why does the author let Kabuliwallah meet Mini on her wedding day?
8. Kabuliwallah comes to their house everyday:
a. to talk to Mini who reminds him of his own daughter
b. to earn some money
d. to say goodbye
to take revenge​


Answered by KartikShukla1717

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