story of sheep herder and tiger
There once was a tiger who came upon a flock of sheep. Just as he was getting ready to pounce, he noticed a little tiger cub peeking out from between a couple of the sheep.
The tiger got the cub’s attention and asked, “What are you doing here, little one? Why are you hanging out with these sheep?”
With blades of grass poking out from his mouth, the cub said, “Baa.”
Confused, the tiger cocked his head at the cub and tried again. “You’re not supposed to be eating grass. You’re a Tiger. You’re supposed to be eating meat.”
The cub kept chewing and still said, “Baa.”
The tiger became even more determined, and he found the sheep again and completed his hunt. When he brought the meat back to the cub, the little guy wouldn’t take a bite. Still, the cub said, “Baa.”
Finally, the tiger picked the cub up by the scruff of his neck and took him over to a stream.
“Look,” the tiger said. “You don’t look like those sheep. You look just like me. Try just one bite.”
Finally, the cub tried a bite of meat—the first one he’d ever had. And the cub perked up. He felt more energy in his body than he’d ever felt! When he opened his mouth, instead of “baa,” out came a cub-sized, but sill impressive little roar!
While sheep food had kept him going from day to day, he’d really needed tiger food (truth) to reach his full potential.
There once was a tiger who came upon a flock of ship just as he was getting ready to pounce he notice a little tiger cub peeking out from between a couple of the ship