story of the crab and the crane
Once upon a time, there lived a crane near a pond. As time passed, he grew older and weak, and was unable to arrange his food. He then thought of a plan to get access to food without having to hunt for it.He sat on the bank of the pond with a sad face, and soon enough, the fishes, crabs and other creatures in the pond, intrigued by his behaviour, asked him what was the matter.
In response, he explained that an astrologer had made a prediction that the pond would dry up soon, and that all the creatures of the pond would die due to the loss of water.
Hearing this, all the creatures of the pond got scared, and started talking among themselves.
They then asked the crane for a suggestion to this problem, to which, the crane explained how each one of the creatures could be saved by a simple action.He told all the pond creatures that he would carry one of them in his beak everyday, and transport them to the other pond nearby, which had plenty of water.
Hearing this, all the pond creatures agreed immediately in the desperate attempt to save their lives.
Soon enough, everyday, one fish or and other pond creatures started getting into the crane’s beak as an attempt to save their lives, and the crane would take them to a deserted area and devour them.
One day, it was the crab’s turn to get onto the crane. He climbed onto the crane’s back. As the crane flew over the deserted area, the crab immediately saw the skeletons of many fishes and pond creatures lying around.The crab was very clever- sensing danger, he came up with a quick plan.
Before the crane could set him down on the ground and start to devour him, he grabbed the crane’s neck with his strong claws and killed him instantly.
He then returned to the pond, explaining the entire situation to the remaining pond creatures. They all applauded him for his timely action and wits.
The Moral:
The moral is undoubtedly the most important part of the story, and the story of the crane and the crab has many morals to offer.
Firstly, the story teaches one not to trust anyone blindly, and always look for any possible motive.
Next, it also teaches one to use one’s brain to get out of problematic situations.
hope it helped you friend please mark me as brainliest and follow me I need more thanks please

Once there once lived an old crane on the banks of a pond. It found difficulties to catch the fishes because of his old age. In this pond there lived a lot of water creature like fish, frogs, crabs, jelly fish and snail too.
One day a crab came out of the water and asked the crane, “Why are you looking so sad?"
“I am sad because this pond is going dry and to fill up with mud." He replied. All the fishes are soon going to die. The crab was scared. He soon told his friends in the pond. They all decided to ask the crane for help.
“I will take a few fish everyday in my beak to another pond and save all of you by this way," said the old crane. All the fish agreed to his idea. The wicked crane took a few every day to a nearby hill. There he ate them up. One day it was time for the crab to go.
He sat on the crane’s back. When he saw all the dead fish he caught hold of the crane’s neck tight until it fell down. He then returned joyfully to the pond and told the remaining fish about the cunning works of the crane. There after the fish avoided the crane.
After some time, the crane remained without food and at last died.
Moral: Don't believe the wicked words