English, asked by omm35, 1 year ago

story on God Mercury And The Woodcutter


Answered by Soniya1111
Once there was a woodcutter. He lived near a forest. He earned his living by cutting wood from the jungle and selling it in the market.

One day he was cutting down a tree on the bank of the river. While he was cutting it, his axe fell into the river and was lost.

He tried his best to search it but in vain. He was very poor and was not in a position to purchase another. So he began to weep and cry at the loss of it.

Mercury, the God of the river, heard his cry and appeared before him. He asked him why he was weeping. The woodcutter told him that he had only one axe with which he used to cut wood and earn his living. As the axe had fallen into the river, so was he weeping.

The god at once jumped into the water and came out with a golden axe. The woodcutter refused to take it.

Then again he dived into the water. This time he brought out a silver axe. Again, the woodcutter said that it was not his. His axe was an ordinary one made of iron.

Mercury dived into the water the third time and appeared with an iron axe. "That is my axe," shouted the woodcutter out of joy. The god was very pleased with him for his honesty and gave him all the three axes. The woodcutter was overjoyed and went home thanking the god.


Honesty is the best policy.

omm35: thank you
Answered by ribhur2102

Honesty is the best policy


Once there lived a woodcutter who used to live in a forest. He used to get his wages by cutting the wood. As his daily routine again he went to a tree which is on the bank of the river.But unfortunately, the axe fell into the river. He was so worried that his axe fell into the river and started to think about what he should do . He was so worried because he is poor and he cannot purchase other axe.he started crying and weeping.

Mercury, the god of the river appeared as he heard the cry. He appeared and asked the woodcutter" What happen and why are you crying".The woodcutter narrated the whole story to the god of the river. As soon as the god listened he dived into the river and appeared with a golden axe and asked the woodcutter whether the golden axe is his or not the woodcutter replied "No".Again the god of the river dived into the river and this he appeared with a silver axe and asked the woodcutter the same question even this time the woodcutter replied "no".Again the river god Mercury dived into the river and appeared with an iron axe and asked the same question the woodcutter was overwhelmed by seeing the axe and he said "yes".Mercury the god of the river was impressed by the honesty of woodcutter and he gifted the woodcutter the other two axes.

Moral: Honesty is the best policy

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