English, asked by maninderjit4827, 1 month ago

Story on greedy wood cutter


Answered by royalqueen50


One day, Alang a poor woodcutter was cutting trees in the forest. "It's time for a rest," he said and sat under a tree. He then knelt by a nearby pond to wash his face and hands when suddenly the axe from his hand slipped and with a splash fell into the deep water.

"What shall I do? I can't swim and I will not be able to earn money without my axe. What shall I do?" Thinking of his sick mother waiting at home, he became sad. Just then there was a dazzling bright light glowing in the middle of the pond. A fairy emerged and asked him gently "Woodcutter, why do you weep so bitterly?" The woodcutter told the fairy what had happened. "You poor woodcutter, as you are so thoughtful and kind to your mother I'll find the axe for you." A little later the fairy appeared with a glittering golden axe. "Is this yours?" "Oh no! Mine is just a plain ordinary one," he replied. The fairy vanished into the water and brought the woodcutter's axe. "Is this yours?" "Yes! that's mine. Thank you very much. I'll work very hard with this axe and take good care of my mother." The fairy smiled at the woodcutter and gave him the golden axe also as a reward for honesty.

His friend Anjang heard about Alang's good fortune and went to the pond and threw his axe into the pond. Anjang pretended to cry and the fairy emerged. "Why are you crying?" asked the fairy. The greedy woodcutter replied, "My axe fell into the water and I can't work without it and my sick mother will die." So the fairy vanished into the pond and reappeared with a golden axe and asked Anjang if the golden axe was his. Anjang replied "Yes, that's mine." Upon hearing Anjang's answer the fairy was angry and scolded Anjang "You are greedy liar! Your axe was this shabby iron one," and with that the fairy vanished and was never seen again. The greedy woodcutter had lost his axe forever and would not be able to earn a living without it.

The moral of this story is 'Trying to gain more by lying may cause you to lose what you already have'.


request please mark me brainliest dude

Answered by sanhitahalder07


Long ago, there lived a woodcutter in a small village. He was sincere in his work and very honest. Every day, he set out into the nearby forest to cut trees. He brought the woods back into the village and sold them out to a merchant and earn his money. He earned just about enough to make a living, but he was satisfied with his simple living.

One day, while cutting a tree near a river, his axe slipped out of his hand and fell into the river. The river was so deep, he could not even think to retrieve it on his own. He only had one axe which was gone into the river. He became a very worried thinking how he will be able to earn his living now! He was very sad and prayed to the Goddess. He prayed sincerely so the Goddess appeared in front of him and asked, “What is the problem, my son?” The woodcutter explained the problem and requested the Goddess to get his axe back.

The Goddess put her hand deep into the river and took out a silver axe and asked, “Is this your axe?” The Woodcutter looked at the axe and said “No”. So the Goddess put her hand back deep into the water again and showed a golden axe and asked, “Is this your axe?” The woodcutter looked at the axe and said “No”. The Goddess said, “Take a look again Son, this is a very valuable golden axe, are you sure this is not yours?” The woodcutter said, “No, It’s not mine. I can’t cut the trees with a golden axe. It’s not useful for me”.The Goddess smiled and finally put her hand into the water again and took out his iron axe and asked, “Is this your axe?” To this, the woodcutter said, “Yes! This is mine! Thank you!” The Goddess was very impressed with his honesty so she gave him his iron axe and also other two axes as a reward for his honesty.

Moral: Always be honest. Honesty is always rewarded.


If this helps you then pls mark me as brainliest

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