story on hard work never fails
Once there was a rabbit and a turtle first there was a turtle who was very slow in racing the fasters rabit but after losing this race the turtle started thinking. He realizes that no matter how hard he tries in the current format, he cannot beat the rabbit in the race. After much deliberation the turtle decided to challenge the rabbit again for the race. He went to the rabbit and said, shall we race again but this time the route will be different? The rabbit agreed
He started his race. The rabbit continued to run steadily with the firm intention of winning. But he had to stay a short distance because there was a long river in front of him and across the finish line. The rabbit sat on the shore and wondered how to cross this river? Meanwhile, the turtle reached there. He crossed the river with great ease and won the race by reaching the finish line.
The rabbit was deeply saddened by his defeat and when he found the reason for his defeat, he felt that he lost due to his overconfidence and carelessness. If he had understood the true importance of hard work, had not taken for granted, there was no reason why the tortoise would have defeated him. So he challenged the turtle to race again. The turtle agreed. This time the rabbit made no mistake. He reached the finish line long before the turtle running fast and continuously and won the race.
Never be lazy.
Never decide who they are before you know about them truly.
HardWork is the key to sucess.
Always be like the Turtle but not like a rabit ,,becoz It is good to be but fast and reliable is better than that