story on importance of relationships in life in 2000 words
Human is a social animal. To survive and stay happy, he needs to get connected with the people around him. To love and to be loved is the best feeling in the world. The feeling of this love and the connection between two people is what we call a relationship. Right from the family relationship, friendship, acquaintances, and romantic relationship, all are important at one or the other point of life. Having a relationship is thus one of the most important things in life.
you are supposed to be in a relationship to be happy, NO it is not important.
Relationships are important for different people for different reasons.
Some people cannot be on their own. So they form relationships.
For some, building family is important for future. So they get into relationships.
Some do it because it makes them feel desirable.
Some need other people for emotional and financial support.. So they form relationships to fulfill those desires.
Ultimately, anything is important if it makes sense to us and is helpful to us in someway or the other. Relationship is one such thing. We fill the gap for certain need or want by being in relationships.