story on journey of a river from mountain to sea write your experience
Below is a stury on the journey of a river.
The spring shot yet another volume of water, the water collected and made up river z. It was located on a mountain and hence gravity took the lead, water in the river rane at a mad speed down the river carrying things here and there from the sides of the river.
Some of the wate was fetched downhill by women, the remaining water kept flowing, it found some children who enjoyed swimming through it as it passes.
Some people down the river used the water to was vhiecles, it got dirty.
Water kept flowing till it reached the opening into a sea where it met with waters from other places.
I am a river and I was born in the cradle of the Himalayas. In my youth I was energetic and flew with great speed.
As I reached The Great plains of UP, I grew older and grew in girth and slowed down. I spread my silt over the plains and crops were grown everywhere by humans.
As I continued on my journey towards the ocean, I grew older and slower and started to meander and spread my waters into multiple Distributaries, because the silt became too heavy to carry and I deposited it where I could. Finally I completed my journey when I poured my water into the Bay of Bengal.