English, asked by dvreddy38, 1 year ago

story on midnight walk (not horror,must be moral,story for school)please answer


Answered by diyaabijoor

Peering through clouds, only the moons witness her moving through the streets. Only the soft lamplight brushing her red coat sees her head moving to an unseen melody. The glistening cobbles of the road underfoot are the only audience to the click of her shoes as she walks slowly. The smell of a recent rainfall fills the air.

She moves throughout the city without hurry,  no immediacy to her step. She pauses outside a small bakery, looking at the faded and peeling sign hanging from the awning.  The lettering on the window is gilded with gold, outlining the proud name and dimly reflecting the glow of the street light. A smile lifts the corner of her painted lips, as her eyes track of the dim shapes of tables and chairs inside. She turns and moves on, past the other cafes which line the road.

The distant sound of music paints the air as she reaches the park, one splash of green amidst the urban landscape.  The dirt path winds through the trees, where small lights have been strung and now swing gently in a breeze. The sound of the distant music grows louder. She reaches a clearing, where a small bar spills into the night. Couples fill the tables, a gentle murmur underlying the sound of soft music drifting from the open door. She moves past the bar, eyes lifting to follow her as she walks. She passes  a lone man, nursing a dark glass, who turns as her autumnal scent fills his mind. Another smile curls her lips. She moves on.

The trees thin, the park ends and she is in another district of the city. Here the sounds are louder, the couples breathless from dancing in outdoor floors and arenas. The laughs are fullthroated, the drinks are stronger, and a sense of invulnerability covers the scene like a thick smoke. She watches a boy and a girl. Friends demand their attention, but neither can resist glancing at the other every second moment. She see’s the boy take a long drink from his glass, square his shoulders and approach the girl, who turns. She see’s a light touch, an easy smile and then they are headed to dance, to spend the night in the hazy, surreal state of the carefree. She moves on.

Past the island of light and life, there is now darkened houses. Well trimmed gardens are seated in well ordered plots in well planned streets. The scent of cypress trees is in the air. The click of her shoes are the only sounds in the air, until it is joined by the soft sobs of a girl under a tree. She sees the girl, hugging her knees on the step in front of a house, with well kempt hedges and a painted door. The girl glances back towards the house and she see’s the window lit from within, and silhouetted is the culmination of the anger and pent up frustration of years. She see’s the girl take a deep breath, steel her face and wipe her eyes. She sees the girl open the door, and a new silhouette join the backlit tableau. The frustration boils away as the three shadows become one. She moves on.

She moves past the well ordered houses. Her red coat and red lips are lit solely by the moons, which shine through now scarce clouds. She crosses a small square, a church on one side. She sees a man wander into the square from the opposite side. He weaves from side to side, the moonlight glinting from what he holds in his hand. His jacket is grey and so is his face. She sees him stop and stare at the church, with its dark windows and silent towers. He opens the door to the church and in answer a light blooms. She sees a smile soften his face which is answered by one on her own. She moves on.

She comes at last to a small road. The cafe on the corner has a flower patterned awning. No house has a well ordered garden. There is nobody to disturb cool night air; to share in the glow of the moons and the streetlights with her. She moves towards a house, with white window boxes and a blue door. She sees the house and smiles. She moves in.

diyaabijoor: Is it k ??
dvreddy38: its already in net
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