Story on never leave the work till tomorrow
Never Leave Anything Till Tomorrow......
Mason Cooley has wisely said, “Procrastination makes easy
things hard, hard things harder.” Each one of us suffers from this syndrome of
putting off things until tomorrow. I too had it in my thoughts until I had to
face lots of inconvenience and embarrassment on account of it.
It is an incident that happened to me last month. It was
Saturday evening; I was driving home after purchasing groceries for the month.
As I reached near home, my eyes fell on the fuel indicator; it was critically
low. I was divided between having the tank filled that very moment and having
it filled the next day, as it was Sunday.
Sunday passed in just jiffy, relaxing and having fun at
home, and I forgot my car fuel tank was famishing. Monday morning I woke up
with work on my mind. Hurriedly I got ready for the office. As I was driving to
office after a quick breakfast, my car stopped all of a sudden in the middle of
the crowded road. It dawned on me why the car had stopped. The fuel warning
light was blinking at me, reminding me of my procrastination. I had to face a
lot of embarrassment and inconvenience that day. It was then I discarded my
Now how are you going to fix your situation, because remember that there are many things that have a solution, and others that do not. "Never leave for tomorrow that which you can do today" is a great proverb that pushes us to take initiative and to take advantage of time.