story on trafic jam
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“It’s all right,” she repeated again, loosening the grinding of her teeth. “I’m going to be so late.”
She was going to be late. Those were the facts. There was nothing she could do about the facts, her shrink had said, and the world would keep turning even if she had to scramble to catch up on her morning work. It wasn’t her fault. Everything was her fault. No. God, if she could only get past Exit 26, she would be fine. She would be fine.
But the bubbling shrieking that was building in the base of her throat wasn’t going to go away once she got past Exit 26. It wasn’t going to go away when she got to work, either, because she would be late and there would be too much to do. It might go away when she got home that night, and crawled under the covers so her neighbors couldn’t hear her sobbing, but that would only be a temporary relief. It would build again, and she would bruise the palms of her hands when she pounded them against the steering wheel, and nothing would be all right.
She should have left earlier. She should always leave early, but some days it was just too hard to lever herself out of bed. She should get better at it. She should really pull herself together and try. It was a matter of willpower, she told herself, gritting her teeth again as the lane next to her started to inch forward without her. Willpower and getting to bed on time.
“Finally,” she sighed as the lights winked out, one by one, and the speedometer crept up to twenty, then twenty five, then thirty. It wasn’t fast, but she was moving. Moving was always better than standing still. “It’s okay,” she said, glancing at the dashboard clock as Exit 26 flashed by. Twenty minutes left. Twenty minutes – could she make it? Probably not. No, she was still going to be late, but she was moving. It was always, always better than standing still.