English, asked by harshitapathik16, 11 months ago

Story on what did the singular tell the plural?


Answered by Jasleen0599

*Short Story writing*

Title- 'What did singular tell the plural'​

(1). Once there was a single man named Singular who was present in a wedding. He was standing there alone eating food. Plural was also present in the wedding party with his grand family.

(2). Plural taunted Singular that he feels so sad that he do not have anyone to join him in the party. Singular said "It's okay if I am alone. At least I'm happy in my own company."

Answered by SerenaBochenek

The explanation on the singular tell the plural is given below.


  • The term story means narration as well as 'house point' in American English. However, the 'house floor' is rendered 'storey' in British English. The story plurality becomes a tale. The storey plural becomes storehouse.
  • I picked up the information throughout the shops today, and afterward, I put my kid up at kindergarten. Like several other occasions that were just a regular day in my existence. It is important to pay close attention to how well the adjectives we use become singular and plural, to see if plural noun phrases could be produced there in a correct manner.

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