Story telling on taking a walk with friendly microbes
good morning
Microbes are tiny living things that are found all around us and are too small to be seen by the naked eye. They live in water, soil, and in the air. The human body is home to millions of these microbes too, also called microorganisms. Some microbes make us sick, others are important for our health.
The story is as follows -
A walk with friendly microbes
Reena always held a keen interest in the micro-world. Once she was relaxing when a microbe caught her eye. It was a commonly found microbe in nature, which didn't mean any harm and was friendly for humans.
Being so passionate about their life and their mechanisms, she started asking him several questions without even breathing. Microbe started laughing and answered her on the condition that she will have a walk with him.
She agreed and in return, she gained many new facts about their habitat, their requirements for growth and how they are helpful for humans. She found out that there exists trillions of them in the human body at various locations.
She also found out that they held a mutually beneficial relationship with us. Also, she got to know about the microbe's relatives who can survive only in harsh environments while other's who are very sensitive concerning temperature and pH.
Later when it started getting late she bid adieu to the microbe. She not only realised their importance but also thanked them for their protective actions.