English, asked by sahilsahu1218, 8 months ago

Story with moral - worrying won't solve problems it will just waste your time and energy


Answered by gayathri818946


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Answered by mulemadison

A story with the moral 'worrying won't solve, problems it will just waste your time and energy'.


Once in a small village, there lived two friends, Tarun and Ratap, who lived next to each other. They would often go to the fields and come back in the evening all tired and drained together. However, they loved doing what they did because it brought food to their tables.

One day as they were on their way to work, an old Shaman stopped them and said to them that their future seem dark and gloomy. They must take heed of their actions and should be very vigilant. Both the friends got frightened on hearing such dreadful prophecy about their fates.

That evening they both went to their homes and narrated what had happened to them in the morning to their wives. Tarun did not let the news win over him but Pratap seemed all devastated and sad by the news of such fate. Tarun consistently told Pratap to forget about it. Pratap stopped going to the field and even stopped going outside while Tarun kept on working. Few months passed and nothing happened to them.

Tarun had successfully harvested enough food and crops while Pratap barely had a tin of wheat. Pratap started to realize that he have wasted his time trying to stay away from problems. He regretted for not listening to Tarun and asked for his forgiveness.

Tarun not only forgave him but even shared his produce with Pratap because he harvested more by working extra for Pratap and his family too. Maybe what the Shaman said about taking heed of our actions meant that we must not dwell in our problems worrying and without doing anything. Our actions will determine the outcome of any problems that come along our way. Therefore, we should not waste of time and energy worrying about our problems.

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