English, asked by sanchit12abc, 1 year ago

story with opening line in around 200 words-
My sleep ended when a scream entered the dark room of my dream beyond barrel windows...


Answered by anubha148

It rained profusely for 3days. I could hear the thunder and the shatters outside my house. The Lightening passed through the glass pane into my living room as I sat beside the fire place involved in a book. The sudden thunder and lightning brought shivers in me as I woke up to close the shattering window. I peeped out to see the darkness stretched for miles apart. The trees were swaying from left to right enjoying the showers of the night. Darkness had engulfed the night along with the rain giving the night an eerie feel.

I sat alone by the fireplace on my chair rocking, feeling the coldness of the night. All of a sudden the powers went off, I was also engulfed in pitch of darkness sending me shivers through my body. As I woke up to get the candle from the kitchen, my legs wouldn’t move a further it was stuck there in fear of darkness. I brought in courage and moved forward humming a tune to myself to forget the fear that had fully engulfed me by now. With a mild light of my mobile phone I started looking out for the candle. My heart was pounding, I could hear them beat heavily and strongly than before, which gave me the feel that I am still alive.

Finally I heaved a sigh of relief when I found the candle, I was about to light it when suddenly the phone rang, I gave a screech of fear throwing the candle away from hand which I had found with a lot of difficulty. I picked the call it was my mother on the other side. With a shaking voice is said “Hello”- mom asked me “ What happened” I told her that the power had gone and it had been raining here for 3 days making it difficult to move out of the house for the past 3days.

I was a business woman and had been busy all time. Since I was tired of my hectic life I thought I would take a break and spend my days in Ooty were I had hired a cottage to stay for a few days. My mom was in London right now, she had gone there as my sister in law was delivering her first baby otherwise my mom would have been with me here right now. This point of time I missed her a lot. I always had a phobia for darkness and it grew even more now.

The cottage was beautifully designed amidst of a rubber estate. We usually hired a different cottage for the holidays but this time since this plan was made suddenly I could not avail that cottage so had to take up this one. My mom’s call gave me a great sigh of relief and my fear had disappeared. I regained my strength again and searched for the candle and lit it.

I took the lighted candle in my hand and started moving to the living room. My shadow seemed larger than normal making me fear of my own self. I peeped out of the window; it was a full moon day. The scene outside looked awesome. The moon was smiling from between the trees which swayed heavily in the wind. The sound of the rain grew louder symbolising that the rain had become heavier and it showed no signs of stopping, which meant that I would have to sit in the darkness for a longer time. I went back to sit near the fire place. My own shadow was giving me fear. I just wanted to escape this fear so I decided to sleep with the hope that the rain would stop by the next day and I could go back home.

As I lay down on the coach within minutes I fell asleep. It was a loud screech which woke me up around midnight. The screeches brought in shivers to me. I opened my eyes and felt that it had stopped raining but it was still dark all over I light the candle again and peeped out of the window all I could hear were the dogs howling. I cursed them for that do they need to howl at this time only. My heart beats grew louder I could clearly hear each and every beat of it. Again a shrill sound of someone screeching loud reached my ears my blood froze was I dreaming or was it real? No it was real, someone was screaming loud somewhere faraway. I trembled with fear. The sound of the dogs howling brought me sweats even on the cold night.

I ran back to the coach pulled my bed sheet up and lay down trying to forget the thing

Answered by divyanshigola17


Once upon a time there lived people who loved the light. As soon as the sun rose every morning, they were up to welcome it, singing songs of celebration for the light. And when the sun went down each evening they sang other songs, sad songs, songs of missing the light of the sun. They loved the light so very much.

They did not love the darkness. Once darkness fell every night, they would hurry to bed, since they could only bear the darkness when they were asleep. Even then, total darkness was frightening to them, and so they always kept a fire burning in every room.

The people’s dearest wish was that the sun would not set in the evening, that darkness would never fall. But every day the sun set and they sang their sad songs and they endured the fearful, sad, strange darkness until they could greet the sun again the next day.

Now in this land were born two remarkable children. They were twins. One was a girl, and she seemed to shine from within. Whenever she entered a room, everything seemed to get a little brighter. And the people loved her very much.

The other was a boy, and he seemed to bring darkness with him. Whenever he entered a room, everything seemed a little dimmer. And the people did not like him. They feared him because he reminded them of the great darkness of the night.

But although the people loved the girl and did not love the boy, the twins loved each other very much. And because the girl loved her brother so very much, the people mostly let him be even though they were afraid of him.

Now, as they grew, it became clear that these children were, in fact, magical children. The girl had the power to bring life back when it was harmed or lost. When she was a very small child, she could heal small cuts and bruises. When she grew a little older, she could heal broken bones and other larger hurts. And by the time she was a teenager, she could make the crops grow faster and larger and fuller. She could bring plants and animals that had died back to life. The people suspected she could even bring people back to life, but they were a little afraid to ask, and she did not offer.

The boy, on the other hand, had the power to calm and quiet anything. When he was a very small child, he could help his family go to sleep more quickly, thus saving them from the fear of the darkness. When he was a little older, he could calm animals when they were frightened and make them still. Sometimes, he would go first to an animal or a person who was hurt and help them to be calm enough for his sister’s healing magic to work. And by the time he was a teenager, he could calm storms and winds and rains. He could bring anything to stillness.

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