English, asked by Pranavshendkar7777, 10 months ago

Story writing. Complete the story
Once there was a poor farmer. He had three sons. The were....


Answered by garima2703

Unity is strength

Old farmers had three sons’. They were always quarreled with each other and that made the farmer unhappy. He tried to bring them to their senses but failed. Actually they had no unity. At last he designed a plan. One day he called all his sons and asked them to bring a bundle of sticks. The sons brought a bundle. When the bundle was brought, he asked the eldest son to break the bundle. The eldest son tried his level best but failed. Then the farmer asked his second sons to break the bundle. But he failed too. Similarly the third son tried hard but did not succeed. The farmer then untied the bundle of the sticks and he told his sons to break the sticks one by one. His sons took the single stick and broke that very easily. Then the farmer said to his sons, “You see, my son, each of you broke one stick easily. But none of you could break the bundle of sticks. Why couldn’t you do it?” The eldest son replied, “That’s right,” You see the strength of unity my son.’ He said “You must live together and no one can harm you then.” After this the sons perceived the message of their parents and they lived in peach. The farmer became happy.

Answered by NainaRamroop

The story is completed below-

Unity is the key-

Once there was a poor farmer. He had three sons. The sons were named Ramesh, Brijesh, and Suresh respectively. The farmer lost his wife when the sons were very young.

The only grievance the farmer had was there was no unity among the three sons. They were always fighting among them.

One day, the farmer decided to teach his son the importance of unity. The farmer told his sons that the cultivation of that year was very poor and he could not generate a sale so the sons had to earn some for their living.

Three of them were stressed and the first time they showed a united behavior. Together, they sold the crops in the market and earned a decent amount.

Their father, proudly told them that unity is everything. United they can win the world.

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