Story writing of a outline of a rickshaw driver
Poverty and hunger go hand in hand, a fact that is blatantly obvious in the nation of India. While providing life sustaining food to destitute people is vital and good, it only addresses a symptom of gross poverty, not the problem itself. Therefore PeopleAids programs are focused on setting people free from the circumstances that cause their poverty.
It is an old saying now but still very relevant; “If you give a man a fish, he will eat it today and be hungry tomorrow, but if you teach a man to fish then he will not only eat today, but also tomorrow and so on.” That is why wherever possible we enable poor families to become self-sufficient by setting them up with their own small businesses. In India, a country of over 1.3 billion people, a Rickshaw is an excellent small business to have.Rickshaws – A Major Method Of Transportation
The Rickshaw is the world’s oldest form of wheeled transportation and in India today Rickshaws are still a major method of taxi style transportation for people taking short journeys. Multitudes ride them to and from work. Business people going to appointments use them. Women travel on them for shopping and children going to and from school ride on Rickshaws. They are also used for moving goods and courier jobs. The government promotes their use as they are non-polluting. According to official records over 7 million Rickshaws are in use in India today.Enabling The Poor
PeopleAids – Rickshaws For India program promotes self-sufficiency by enabling poor people to own their own Rickshaw businesses. We provide existing Rickshaw drivers and also unemployed people with a high quality Rickshaw as well as training, maintenance help and free insurance.Harsh Rickshaw Landlords
Despite their hard work, India’s existing Rickshaw drivers cannot break free from the cycle of poverty which themselves and their families are trapped in. They are too poor to own their own Rickshaw, so they are forced to rent their Rickshaws from Rickshaw landlords. The rent they must pay is around 50% of their daily income. In essence, they work as slave labor for the Rickshaw landlords. Many drivers have no choice but to rent trash heaps with wobbly wheels, broken seats, loose frames, etc.
Because the rental fee cuts the driver’s income almost in half, he has no possibility of saving any money to purchase his own Rickshaw. In fact, it is desperately difficult to live on the remaining income. He and his family live from day to day, struggling to feed themselves with the money that is left after paying the daily Rickshaw rental.
Children Forced Into Slave Labor
The hard-earned money that the driver is forced to hand over to the Rickshaw landlord could make a tremendous difference to the Rickshaw driver’s family, especially the children. Because their income is so substandard, they are forced to live in slums where disease runs rife. Children are not able to be educated and basic medicines are beyond their means. In India there is no social security or sickness benefits.Sadly, to make up the difference between starvation and subsistence, the children are often sent off to work. The jobs that are available to children are unimaginably horrible to Westerners. Tiny boys and girls frequently do hard labor at many dangerous slave jobs, such as digging drains, working in sweat factories, carrying heavy loads, even removing needles from used and likely contaminated syringes. Poverty is a curse for everyone in its oppressive grip, but how much more it is for the children.Set Free
Now however, thousands of existing Rickshaw drivers have been permanently set free from poverty and hopelessness by receiving sponsored Rickshaws. Along with them, thousands more destitute people, who were previously unemployed now have debt free, good income producing, Rickshaw businesses and their lives have also been liberated.New Rickshaws Significantly Increase Income
Life dramatically improves when the driver owns his own Rickshaw. There are two shifts – day and night. Because he owns the Rickshaw, he can operate it himself during the day shift then hire it out at night and earn a rental on it. Days off for rest and quality family time, previously unimaginable, are now possible because he can still earn income through rental.A shiny, new Rickshaw significantly improves income of its own accord, as it is much more sought after by customers and renters alike. India does not have taxi-style ranks for Rickshaws. They simply gather in groups on busy street corners, outside bus and railway stations, cinemas, shops, schools, hospitals and anywhere else that people need transportation. Rather than waiting in an orderly queue until it is their turn, people simply choose any Rickshaw they want to ride on. Naturally people are attracted to Rickshaws that look clean, comfortable and reliable.