Science, asked by ritaachhetri9349, 1 year ago

Strawberry which part will grow into a newplant


Answered by pahulpreetSingh


The juiciness and aroma of home-grown strawberries is beyond compare, and it’s easy to make more plants so you can enjoy an even bigger harvest next year.

If you’ve grown strawberries before you’ll have noticed that plants throw out several long, leafless stalks called runners. We can use these to quickly raise new plants.

Strawberry Runners

Established strawberry plants will send out multiple runners over the soil surface. Each runner has a tiny plant at its end and these can be rooted and grown on to produce new plants.

Runners take a lot of the plant’s energy to produce, so in the first two years of life they should be cut off from where they emerge to concentrate the plant’s efforts on fruit production. From year three some of the runners can be used to propagate new plants. Only ever use healthy runners from vigorous, disease-free plants. Unless you plan to dispose of the parent plants, limit the number of runners to five per plant.

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