English, asked by 8787508155v, 1 year ago

stress and strain.....



Answered by heemani26



worry and pressure that is caused by having too much to deal with

(काम की अधिकता से उत्‍पन्‍न) चिंता और दबाव; तनाव

He’s been under a lot of stress since his wife went into hospital.He’s been under a lot of stress since his wife went into hospital.


the special attention that you give to something because you think it is important

(किसी बात पर) विशेष ध्यान, बल (उसके महत्वपूर्ण होने के कारण)

We should put more stress on preventing crime.We should put more stress on preventing crime.

Answered by MysticPetals


A body can be deformed ( change their shape or size) by the suitable application of external forces on it. A body is said to be perfectly elastic , if it regains its original shape or size , when the applied forces are removed. This property of a body to regain its original state or condition on removal of the applied forces is called elasticity.

» A body which does not tend to regain its original shape or size even when the applied forces are removed is called perfect body.

Stress :-

When an external force is applied on a body , there will be relative displacement of the particles and due to the property of elasticity, the particles tend to regain their original positions. Stress is defined as the restoring force per unit area.

Stress = F / A

Strain :-

When a deforming force is applied, there is a change in length , shape or volume of the body. the ratio of the change in any dimension to its original value is called strain.

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