Strike An Imaginary Conversation Between You And Your Dad Regarding Covid 19 And Its Prevention
Dialogue writing
My father and I were having a conversation regarding Covid 19 and Its prevention. My father is represented as 'Dad' and myself as 'Son' in the dialogue that was struck between us.
Dad : Good morning, Son. Had a good night's sleep?
Son : Sure did. I dreamt that my friends and I were enjoying a lovely school picnic.
Dad: That's nice . A virtual reality in the current times.
Son: What is that? When can I go for a picnic Dad?
Dad: Well now all over the world we are in a lock down state. We all have to stay indoors in self isolation.
Son: We are not going to school. Why should we stay all by ourselves? Grandmother always says we should go outdoors and play and mix with people.
Dad: She is absolutely right, but the Covid 19 is a deadly virus. It attacks people through the slightest contact. So we have to stay indoors and not mix with friends or relatives.
Son: What happens if the Covid -19 gets into us?
Dad: It attacks our air passage and our lungs stopping our respiratory mechanism.
Son: Oh my God! Then what should we do?
Dad: We should ensure it does not spread. We must rinse and wash our hands with soap every hour.
Son : That I do.
Dad: We must cover our face with a handkerchief or tissue while sneezing or coughing.
Son: Done.
Dad: We must stay at home strictly. If we have to go out we should wear masks and gloves. We should not crowd in places and maintain a good distance from the other persons.
Son: Then we will get the better of Covid -19, won't we?
Dad: Yes . If we follow these preventive measures there will be no danger of the Covid-19.
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