Structure of shared memory space in distributed system
Structure the shared memory like a database. Shared memory space is ordered as an associative memory called tuple space. Processes select tuples by specifying the number of their fields and their values or type. DSM system uses variable grain (block) size to match with the size of tuples.
One DSM system's shared memory space may appear to its programmers as a storage area for words, while another DSM system's shared memory space may look to programmers as a storage space for data objects.
* A distributed-memory system, also known as a multicomputer, is made up of several independent processing nodes with local memory modules that are linked together via a general interconnection network.
* Software DSM systems are extensions of the underlying virtual memory architecture that can be implemented in an operating system or as a programming library.
* The shared memory area in software DSM systems may also be organized in a variety of ways. The page-based technique divides shared memory into fixed-size pages.