Structure of XeF6
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where is structure of xef6

⏭ They are made up of six bonding pairs and one lone pair.
⏭ The structure of XeF6 is based upon a distorted octahedron.
⏭Xenon in XeF6XeFX6 is not hybridised at all. Instead of invoking populated core d-orbitals or energetically removed d-orbitals (remember the aufbau principle: the next shell’s s-orbital has a lower energy than the d-orbitals you are proposing to include in hybridisation!) xenon just offers its three p-orbitals px,pypx,py and pzpz for four-electron-three-centre bonds.
⏭These 4e3c bonds can be understood using the following two mesomeric structures:
Each Xe−FXe−F bond has a bond order of ½, and for each fluorine there is another with a bond angle ∠(F−Xe−F)≈180∘∠(F−Xe−F)≈180∘ as part of the same 4e3c bond.
⏭Also note that this means that xenon’s lone pair is comfortably located in the 5s5s orbital.