English, asked by Myself111, 1 year ago

Student life is the most amazing phase of any person’s life. No worries of having to come home and cook or earn money. This period is ought to be enjoyed the most you can. Because this period will never be able to return back so just make the most out of it.

Student life starts as soon as we join our nursery class. This period keeps on going till your school ends. After that we go on to pursue higher studies where we still remain students. But our issues increase as we have grown up into full adults now. But tell me, do we really ever stop learning? No, be it adults or kinds, learning never stops. So basically student life never ends.

But what demarcates student life then? When a person decides to stop pursuing studies, be it 12th, graduation, post-graduation; according to the society, his student life is officially over. I find this definition of student life by the society astonishing.

They tend to decide everything for everyone. This societal pressure to confront to the level of society’s expectation destroys the person and their ambitions. Students should never give in to societal pressure. Search your brain for answers and follow your dreams if you don’t want society to dictate your terms and conditions.

Student life is full of fun and frolic. Learning new things, exploring new avenues of opportunities, understanding your passions and talents; this is what student life is all about. Bit by bit, students learn to be dependent on themselves for their tasks.

They learn to take their own decisions. This starts from picking up their clothes and the student then goes on to make big decisions about his career choices which affect his personality in a very impressionable manner.

Friends are one more aspect of student life without which our life seems incomplete. They provide us mental and emotional support throughout our journey. They help us consistently in our endeavors which we sought to achieve in the coming areas. They help us with studies as well and without them, I could have never imagined my life. I have always been in midst of loads of friends and it becomes really tedious to wheel your life without them.

Our teachers, mentors and parents guide us at every step and help us in shaping our lives. A child is impressionable just like wet mud is. The mud craves for the attention of potters’ hands similarly children crave for that motherly love they get at home and look up to teachers as their mother figures. Mentors teach students not only the syllabus but also moral values. Without moral values, we are nothing and our existence is void if we are not moral.

Can anyone arise some question from it.
The best questions will be marked as a brainliest answer..

Myself111: Please arise 10 questions..
Myself111: Then I will mark as a brainliest


Answered by Garimagupta377
What role do our teachers and mentors play?
A child is compared to wet mud. Why?
What does friendship means in ones life?
Student life is an inseparable memory. Explain
what is the effect of societal pressure on a student's life. Why is student's life the most amazing part of the life Does learning ever stops. Explain. What does a child learns from his student life.who all have an important role to play in a child's life. Describe the existence bereft of the moral values in ones life.

Myself111: Please answer question number 2.
Answered by HappyJohn

Some questions that can be arised from this given paragraph are given below :

1. Why is student period ought to enjoy the most?

2. How can we say that student life never ends?

3. When student life gets over officially?

4. What are the things that an individual learns in student life?

5. Describe the importance of friends in student life?

6. Describe the role of teachers and parents in the life of a student.

7. Why is moral values important in the life of a student?

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