English, asked by vk132532, 6 hours ago

students transfer of learning of verbs in lesson plan for teaching of class 4 English


Answered by sidhipnair


thank you


Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

explain the rules for subject-verb agreement

identify and correct errors in subject-verb agreement

Lesson Course



30 minutes to 1 hour


Purple and yellow markers, pens or pencils

Notebooks or paper

Curriculum Standards


Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.


Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3 above.)


Begin by showing the Study.com video lesson Verb Tense & Subject-Verb Agreement, pausing at 0:28.

Ask the students to write the sentences displayed in the video lesson on their papers.

Resume the video and pause again at 0:42.

On their papers, have students underline the singular subjects in purple and the plural subjects in yellow.

Now have them rewrite the sentences with corrections just below the first two sentences. Have them share their answers with the class, along with an explanation for the corrections.

Resume the video lesson, pausing at 1:33. Did the suggested corrections match the student corrections? Discuss this as a class.

Play the video lesson again, pausing at 2:53. Taking the current displayed sentence, have students make the sentence plural, sharing their answers with the class.

Play the video lesson once more, pausing at 3.00. Did the student's sentence match the one on screen?

Play the reminder of the video lesson for the class.

Discussion Questions

Why does correct subject-verb agreement sometimes sound funny when speaking?

Can flaws in subject-verb agreement cloud meaning?


When the video lesson has played in its entirety, ask student to compose ten original sentences on their papers.

Now have them swap papers with a classmate.

Students should underline the singular subjects in purple and the plural subjects in yellow on their peer's paper. They must also ensure that there is subject-verb agreement in each sentence.

Finally, students should correct any errors they see. When complete, the student should return the paper to its owner and discuss any changes.


Ask students to compose simple essays on their favorite hobby. Now have students edit one another's papers, correcting any issues with subject-verb agreement.

Provide students with copies of a well-known speech. Have them analyze the subject-verb agreement in the speech, correcting any errors.

Related Lessons

Subject-Verb Agreement: Using Uncommon Singular and Plural Nouns and Pronouns

Sentence Agreement: Avoiding Faulty Collective Ownership

How to Identify the Subject of a Sentence

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