English, asked by Anonymous, 8 months ago

English Study Material
English Grammar
Kinds of Nouns:

1 .Common Nouns – They are names of people (e.g.
man), things (e.g. books), animals (e.g. monkey) and
places (church).

2. Proper Nouns – They are special names of people
(e.g. George ), things (e.g. Financial Times), animals
(e.g. King Kong) and places (e.g. Paris). A proper
noun begins with a Capital Letter.

3. Abstract Nouns – An abstract noun is the name of
something that we can only think of or feel but cannot see (e.g. friendship).

4. Collective Nouns – They are names used for a number of people, things or animals together and treated
as one. For example: a group of friends, a bunch of
bananas, a litter of puppies.

5.Countable and Uncountable Nouns –


nouns are nouns which can be counted (e.g. trees).


nouns are nouns which cannot be
counted. (e.g. smoke).

6. Nouns have four genders:

1.Masculine Gender – The masculine gender is used for all males . Example : boy , man

2.Feminine Gender – The feminine gender is used
for all females. Example: girl, woman

3. Common Gender – The common gender is used
where the noun can be both male and female.
Example: cousin, friend, person, child, student

7. Neuter Gender – The neuter gender is used for things which have no life.
Example: table, chair.

8. Singular and Plural Nouns – A noun that shows only
one person (e.g. a girl), thing (e.g. pencil), animal are
(e.g. tiger) or place (e.g. market) is called a singular noun

9. A noun that shows more than one person (e.g. girls),
thing (e.g. pencils), animal (e.g. tigers) or place (e.g.
markets) is called a plural noun.

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Answered by Nishu66645

Noun - A noun is a name of a person, place and thing.

There are 7 types of Noun:

1. Proper Noun.

2. Common Noun.

3. Abstract Noun.

4. Collective Noun.

5. Material Noun.

6. Countable Noun.

7. Uncountable Noun.

Pronoun - A pronoun is a word which is used in the place of noun.

Your is correct but you didn't written Material Noun...

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