study the data given below which is based on a survey done on students of 10th class in 3 different type of school in Bhopal the chart depicts the number of students speaking English and Hindi on the basis of the details given in the bar graph given below briefly summarize the data making comparisons wherever necessary in about 150 to 200 words
pls don't scam with me

This survey is done in bhopal. there are 3 types of school. this graph shows the percent of student of which school use which language. In govt school 10% students spoke in English only and 35% are spoke hindi. In private school 30% students spoke in English & 15% spokes hindi. which is very better than govt school students. In KVS 20% students spoke English and approx 22% spokes hindi.
I hope it's helps you. please mark my answer brainliest
Now a days the teenagers are more techno-savvy than the children used to be ten years back. They do not play games like Ludo, Carrom, Chess and other indoor games. 9-18 % of boys and girls in the age group of 13-19 years possess their own cell phones. In the survey conducted recently on some 2000 students of two leading schools- one government and the other a public school, the following facts were revealed. While the students from public schools spend more of their leisure time in net-surfing and talking on cell phones, the government school students spend it in watching TV and talking to their friends.
2- The following data in the form of histogram shows that death due to violence has increased considerably during recent years. Write its interpretation in 100 words on how educated youth can play a major role in establishing peace in society.
Youth and peace are interlinked in society. Youth can play an important role in establishing peace in society. In a survey conducted, it has been found that number of deaths due to violence has increased enormously since the nineties. Death rate in 1000s was 2.5 in 1990. But in 2010, it has increased to 7.5. It is really very sad. It must be checked.
Our youth can play a major role in controlling this crime graph. They can contribute towards establishing peace in many ways. They can awaken the people towards the necessity of peace. They can help the police in catching the criminals. They can bring the criminals in the main stream by educating them and they can do much more.