English, asked by idosjsbshi272826, 5 months ago

Study the examples and pick out the Subject in the following
sentences. Also point out the Main word, Qualifier and Determiner:
2. A kind girl came.
4. My younger sister has passed
6. Some naughty boys were beaten.
8. Some dishonest persons stole my
10. A strong enemy was defeated.
Afat woman ran.
3. An old man died.
& The little girl sang sweetly.
7. A black bird flew high.
9. Some bad people quarrelled.​


Answered by mubarakbaig3


this is right answer for break ups with a few other things to do with 66inches or more th if you bhai I 65inches a few years ago and approver and the other 6AM

Answered by samruddhikitturkar12


2. A - determines , Kind - qualifire ,Girl - main worA kind girl - subject .

4. younger - qualifire , main word - sister , determiner - my .

My younger sister - subject .

6. some- determiners , naughty - qualifier , main word - boys

some naughty boys - subject

8. some, my - determines , dishonest - qualifier , main word - persons , purse

Some dishonest persons - subject .

10. A - determines , strong - qualifire , main word- enemy

A strong enemy - subject .

3. An - determines , old - qualifire ,main word - man .

An old man - subject .

The - determiner , little - qualifier , main word - girl .

The little girl - subject .

7. A - determines , black - qualifire , main word - bird .

A black bird - subject .

9. Some - determines , bad - qualifire , people - main word .

Some bad people quarred .


Hope my answers are correct and it might help you .

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