Biology, asked by gopalakrishna980, 7 months ago

Study the following pictures and answer the questions that follow. . Name the organs shown in the pictures. Why are they carryout excretion as a secondary function? ii. Which organ eliminates sebum? Mention the composition of sebum. iii. Name the organ that produces metabolic wastes of haemoglobin. Name the metabolic wastes of haemoglobin of dead RBC. iv. Which cells of organ ‘D’ participate in excretion? Name the substance that is eliminated by organ ‘A’. picture is 1skin 2 lungs 3 liver 4 long intenstine​



Answered by bodakuntalacchanna


i)A)Skin- sweat and metabolic activities.

B)Lungs–CO2 and water through respiration.

C)Liver–bile pigments (bilirubin and biliverdin)

4)Long intestine–excess salts of calcium, magnesium, and iron.

ii)Sebaceous glands eliminate certain substances like sterols, hydrocarbons and waxes through sebum. These provide oily skin which helps in protection of the skin. Whereas sweat produced by sweat glands eliminate watery fluid like urea, NaCl, lactic acid.

iii)The red blood cells consists of a iron containing protein pigment called as hemoglobin. The heme component of the hemoglobin goes into the graveyard of the body that is called as the liver where the heme breaks down into biliverdin, which is the green pigment.

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