study the pattern of population change between any two countries. do the comparative studies
This article describes the course of fertility decline in Japan during 1874-1992 and compares China's decline during 1949-1990 with Japan's. An explanation is given for the causes of fertility decline affecting both China and Japan and developing countries in general. The timing of demographic consequence of a changed age structure to a greater proportion of elderly is compared between Japan and China. The author offers suggestions for solving Japan's problem of an aging population structure and for handling China's population aging. Japan's decline is described in six stages. The general pattern is one of continual decline since turn of the century fertility of around 5 children/woman and rapid decline after World War II. After 1975 and a period of fluctuation, fertility continued to decline to 1.50 children/woman in 1992 despite under replacement fertility. Both countries experienced gradual decline followed by rapid decline in a short period of about 10 years. After reaching replacement level, fertility fluctuated for about 18 years in Japan. In China fluctuations are continuing. Differences include higher fertility initially in China of 7.41 children/woman in 1963. Fertility declined at a faster rate in China. During the fluctuating period, fertility fluctuated around replacement level in Japan and above replacement level in China. The onset of rapid fertility decline began in China after 1970 and in Japan in 1949. China's fertility is expected to fluctuate until the year 2000. Japan's fertility decline is attributed by scholars to the shortages in resources and the Confucian ethic of industriousness, frugality, and conformity with social norms. Both countries experienced fertility decline as a result of socioeconomic development. China's fertility decline was encouraged by the family planning program, while Japan's was encouraged by changes in attitudes toward reproduction caused by the development of a market economy. Population aging in Japan and China grew at the same rate until the proportion of elderly reached 7%, but China's rate thereafter has been slower. Both countries are aging faster than European or North American countries
This paper examines changes in fertility and mortality, compares these changes in China and India, attributes causes for the differences in patterns, and compares changes with other countries. Modern demographic changes began first in developed countries during the late 18th century. The Western changes included balances between fertility and mortality at low levels, life expectancy above 74 years, at least replacement level fertility, slow or no population growth, and an increased proportion of aged in the total population. After World War II, developing countries began their transitions. During 1950-55 demographic changes were similar between China, India, Asia, and Africa, while Europe was in the fourth stage. By 1980-85, China was at the fourth stage of transition. India and Asia were in the third stage, and Africa was only in the second stage. China achieved the rapid decline in mortality through the improvement of medical and health conditions. The different age structures in India and China illustrate the different patterns of demographic change. Both countries had similar age structures during the 1950s. The age pyramid in China reveals distinct patterns for those born prior to 1970 and those born after 1979. High fertility marked the 1970s and earlier cohorts, and low fertility was in evidence after 1979. The age pyramid remained unchanged in India after the 1950s. Both countries now face the need for effective population control. For China, the net increase is 16 million a year, even though the country is approaching replacement level fertility. In India, a large proportion of the population is young, and population is still growing. China faces additional challenges due to rapid fertility decline and the growing number of elderly.
Hope this can help ☺️