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ex. eggs are known to be a good source of nutrients.
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1) egg
2) fish
3) meat
4) soya bean
5) carrot
6) musur dal
7) leafy vegetables
8) roti
9) rice
10) samolina
Eggs are one of the few foods that should be classified as “superfoods.”
They are loaded with nutrients, some of which are rare in the modern diet.
Top 10 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs:
1. Incredibly Nutritious:
Whole eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet, containing a little bit of almost every nutrient you need. Omega-3 enriched and/or pastured eggs are even healthier.
2. High in Cholesterol, but Don’t Adversely Affect Blood Cholesterol:
Eggs are high in cholesterol, but eating eggs does not adversely affect cholesterol in the blood for the majority of people.
3. Raise HDL (The “Good”) Cholesterol:
HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein. It is often known as the “good” cholesterol (9).
Eating eggs consistently leads to elevated levels of HDL (the “good”) cholesterol, which is linked to a lower risk of many diseases.
4. Contain Choline — an Important Nutrient That Most People Don’t Get Enough Of:
Choline is a nutrient that most people don’t even know exists, yet it is an incredibly important substance and is often grouped with the B vitamins.
Eggs are among the best dietary sources of choline, a nutrient that is incredibly important but most people aren’t getting enough of.
5. Are Linked to a Reduced Risk of Heart Disease:
LDL cholesterol is generally known as the “bad” cholesterol.
It is well known that having high levels of LDL is linked to an increased risk of heart disease.
Egg consumption appears to change the pattern of LDL particles from small, dense LDL (bad) to large LDL, which is linked to a reduced heart disease risk.
6. Contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin — Antioxidants That Have Major Benefits for Eye Health:
Two of these are called lutein and zeaxanthin. They are powerful antioxidants that accumulate in the retina of the eye.
The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are very important for eye health and can help prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. Eggs are high in both of them.
7. Omega-3 or Pastured Eggs Lower Triglycerides:
Omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce blood levels of triglycerides, a well known risk factor for heart disease.
Omega-3 enriched and pastured eggs may contain significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Eating these types of eggs is an effective way to reduce blood triglycerides.
8. High in Quality Protein, With All the Essential Amino Acids in the Right Ratios:
Eggs are fairly high in quality animal protein and contain all the essential amino acids that humans need.
9. Don’t Raise Your Risk of Heart Disease and May Reduce the Risk of Stroke:
Many studies have looked at egg intake and the risk of heart disease and found no association. However, some studies have found an increased risk in people with type 2 diabetes.
10. Are Filling and Tend to Make You Eat Fewer Calories, Helping You Lose Weight:
Eggs are incredibly filling. They are a high-protein food, and protein is, by far, the most satiating macronutrietns.
Eggs are highly satiating and may reduce calorie intake later in the day. Regularly eating eggs may promote weight loss.