Science, asked by anuradhatmdss, 8 months ago

Sub: General Science सामान्य विज्ञान
Q.1] Answer in one sentence.(.एका वाक्यात उत्तरे लिहा)
जलीय वनस्पती म्हणजे काय ?
1. What is meant by aquatic plant?
2. What is variation? ?शिराविन्यास म्हणजे काय))
अवकाशात आवाज ऐकू येईल का
3. Will sound be heard in space?
4. Which part of loranthus plant obtains minerals & water ? बाडगूळ
वनस्पतीला पाणी व क्षार कोठून मिळतात ?
5. How is milk pasteurized ?
दुधाचे पाश्चरीकरण कसे करता ?
6. What is meant by scalar quantity ? काय अदिश राशी म्हणजे ?
7. What is force?बल म्हणजे काय ?
8. How are charges generated?
प्रभार कसे निर्माण होतात ?
9. What is velocity ? वेग म्हणजे काय ?
10. Which part of plant is converted in thorn in cactus?
निवडुंगाचा कोणता भाग काट्यात रुपांतरीत झालेला असतो?​


Answered by laumeshkumari


aquatic plants means the plants which live in the water . 2 little bit change in the condition or amount . 3no sound is not heard in space because there is no matter through which the sound molecules can travel. 4it is a parasitic plant so it contains or we can say consume the minerals from the host plant 5 milk can be pasteurized by the process of pasteurization. 6 the. quantity which doesn't depends on the direction. 7 a push or pull on an object is called force. 8. charges of generated when the electrons are gain or lose. 9 change in the position of the object is known as velocity . 10 leaves of the cactus plant converted into the thrones

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