Business Studies, asked by hemanth201, 2 months ago

Subhiksha started Dish Ltd. a media consultant company. The main

objective of the company is to act as a public relations executive that is hired by

businesses or political candidates to obtain the positive press coverage. Their

work involves drafting press releases to highlight the positive achievements of a

business, organisation or individual. Like in politics, media consultants are

responsible for creating advertisement campaigns to develop a desire image in

the minds of voters and so on. In the initial years, Subhiksha kept all the

decision making powers in her own hands. However, over the years as her

business expanded, she felt that subordinates are competent, capable and

resourceful and assume responsibility for effective implementation of their

decisions. She selectively disperse the authority. Her approach paid off and

today her business is very successful.​


Answered by subhashkhanchi


Subhishka took right decision

division of work :

it increase efficiency of organization

division of work leads to specilization

This is principle of Henry fayol that follow by subhishka

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