English, asked by osjaiswal80, 1 year ago

Subject: English Grammar
Q.1. Identify the underlined nouns as proper ,
common , collective, material and abstract noun.
1) We saw the movie 'The Lion King' at the
2) Gandhiji was known for his honesty.
3) A set of tools was kept on the table.
4) The girls were filled with joy.
5) A fleet of ships were sailing in the ocean.
6) The beautiful ring is made of silver and
7) The king embraced peacefulness.
8) We saw a lion at the zoo.​


Answered by sumanaghosh2064


1. proper noun

2. proper noun

3. collective noun

4. girls is common noun, joy is abstract noun

5. collective noun

6. proper noun

7. king is common noun, peacefulness is abstract noun

8. common noun

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