English, asked by ashapatel120919811, 1 month ago

Subject-Verb Agreement

1. Choose the correct subject – verb combinations in the following sentences:

1. The German delegation comprising many experts is/are likely to visit our institute next week.

2. Quite a few girls find/finds the grammar classes quite boring.

3. Research and development is/are the main focus of our institute.

4. None of the reports are/is worth consideration.

5. A lot of Africans have/has raised the issue of colour discrimination.

6. It is obvious that everything is/are fine.

7. The majority of nurses in India are/is seen in white uniform.

8. Either Lata or her sisters has/have sung the song.

9. The jury has/ have decided to hear the case at an early date.

10. That they are fools is/are known to everyone.

2. Given below is a small passage. Decide the nature of the subject and choose the verb accordingly:

Today, all the teachers ______ (is/are) enjoying a free day at college. You know the annual function is

drawing closer and students ____ (is/are) preparing for various activities which ____ (is/are) being

planned by them. The increased participation of students is different types of extra-curricular activities

____ (has/have) led to a substantial decrease in attendance in the classroom. In many classes you see only

a handful of students who too _____ (is/are) sitting in a lacklustre mood. Only a few of them ____ (is/are)

not really yawning. That ___ (remind/reminds) me of a very alarming proposition. The student

community these days _____ (is/are) hardly interested in doing anything related to learning. What

generally ____ (interest/interests) them _____ (is/are) fun and frolic, and not studies.

3. Supply the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets:

1. Our teacher is one of those who ___ (speak) what they ____ (feel).

2. Each of the teams ____ (be) below its usual standard today.

3. My friend as well as her three sisters ____ (be) now in England.

4. Selfishness or vanity ___ (be) found in all of us.

5. The police ___ (be) doing their utmost to control the crowd.

6. The government of India ___ (be) going to revise its tax. Policy.

7. Each of the boys in this class ___ (be) doing his best.

8. Not one of the students ___ (have) finished his examination.

9. One of us ___ (have) lost her book.

10. The Chief Minister with her secretaries ___ (have) flown to Delhi.

11. One of us ___ (have) brought a Thesaurus dictionary.

12. The manager speaks to each of the men who ____ (work) here.

13. The girl saved by the doctor ___ (have) left hospital.

14. All the food ___ (have) been eaten.

15. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is one of the greatest statesmen that ____ (have) ever served our country.

16. The committee ____ (have) decided that they would write to the government.

17. A huge crowd ____ (gather) there every evening.

18. Five plus five ___ (be) ten.

19. In the hut there ____ (be) an old woman and two boys.

20. The majority of the members ____ (oppose) the resolution.​


Answered by sakshichhajer



1) is

2) find

3) are

4) is

5) has

6) is

7) are

8) have

9) has

10) is


1) are

2) are

3) are

4) has

5) are

6) are

7) reminds

8) is

9) interests

10) are


1) speaks, feel

2) is

3) are

4) is

5) is

6) is

7) is

8) has

9) has

10) has

11) has

12) works

13) has

14) has

15) has

16) has

17) gathers

18) is

19) is

20) opposed

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