Subject-Verb Agreement
27. A team of speakers reached here.
28. A parcel of books ...... been received.
29. A set of books ...... been bought.
30. A number of books ...... been bought.
31. The jury .... passed its judgement.
32. The jury ...... divided in their opinions.
33. The government ...... done so in their interest.
34. Twenty-one rupees ...... paid to me.
35. Ten miles ...... not a long distance.
36. Five tons of coal ...... enough for them.
37. City after city ...... destroyed.
38. Your trousers ...... very loose.
39. A pair of trousers ...... been made for you.
40. My scissors ...... sharp.
41. The poor ...... honest by nature.
42. The blind ...... help. S.
(has, have)
(has, have)
(has, have)
(has, have)
(has, have)
(was, were)
(has, have)
(was, were)
(is, are)
(is, are)
(was, were)
(is, are)
(has, have)
(is, are)
(is, are)
(is, are)
(is, are)
(is, are)
(have, has)
(is, are)
(is, are)
(is, are)
43. All the furniture
44. Shakespeare's plays ...... immortal.
45. The police .... arrested the thief.
46. Mathematics ...... not very tough.
47. His wages ...... Rs. 8000/- a month.
48. The wages of sin ...... death.
49. Nothing but water ...... seen.
50. Nothing but trees ...... seen.
(was, were)
(was, were)
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way? najauajajjjjoosowjnnwwbshjsjsjwnwws
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