subsidiary function
Decision making, Innovation, Representation, Reporting, Budgeting, and Forecasting.
Decision making:
Joseph L. Massie regards decision-making as the first important separate function of management. An important job of a manager is decision-making. Every day he has to decide about doing or not doing specific work. Decision-making is the process of choosing the best from among alternatives courses- of action, evaluation of alternatives and choosing the best. However, it may be. Appropriate to cover the function of decision-making under the planning function of management.
Ernest Dale has given innovation as a separate function of- management. According to him, management involves the introduction of new systems, procedures, methods, techniques, products, and services. However, it is not right to regard innovation as a separate function of management. Because innovation is very much a part of planning function.
Ernest Dale has regarded representation also as a separate function of management. According to him, a manager has to represent his organization to outsiders, financial institutions, government, and others. He has to keep good relations with these agencies with a view to attaining the enterprise objectives. However, this function falls under organizing and directing functions of management.
Luther Gulick has suggested reporting as a separate function of management. The process of giving information to the management/shareholders is considered as reporting. The reports are regularly sent to various levels of management for judging the effectiveness of different responsibility centers. These reports also become a base for taking corrective actions, if necessary. However, it may not be appropriate to consider reporting as a separate function. Because it is very much a part of controlling function of management.
Luther Gulick has also given budgeting as a separate function of management. A budget is a future plan represented in a numerical form. Budgeting is preparing various budgeted figures for the enterprise for the future period. Then comparing the actual results with the budgeted and taking corrective action in the future so as to achieve the optimum results. Nowadays, budgeting has become a very important function of management but it is only a technique of planning and controlling.
Lyndall Urwick regards forecasting as a separate function of management. According to him, forecasting is involved to some extent in every business decision. The management has to forecast while preparing plans for the future. According to Henry Fayol, the entire plan is made of a series of separate plans called forecasts. Forecasting provides a logical basis for preparing the plans. However, it will be proper to cover forecasting under the planning function of management.