Success story of the democratic India
"Indian Democracy has been treasured as the largest functioning democracy in the world and it has also made itself powerful in the global economy.
The fundamental principles of Indian democracy were evolved from the ideology of the British colonials. The first democratic election was held in 1952.
The major task experienced by the founding father for the Indian democracy was implementation of Democracy in traditional and backward society that saw the light of liberation and freedom for the first time.
The Indian democracy is guided by framing the Indian Constitution on 26th January 1950.
It was world’s largest written constitution.
The well-developed form of democracy which we are witnessing today has ripped over a long span of time and has managed to survive many obstacles.
Now, India has democratic political system with capitalist economy, despite of filtration in rules.
It has survived and even improved against tremendous odds.
Indian democracy has prospered inspite of cultural and linguistic diversity; and illiteracy and tremendous health problems".