successful moment in life essay
The Moment of Success
This has been, by far the hardest introspection I have had to do in my life. Going into the past visiting and re-visiting my life from childhood to the adult years trying to figure out ‘the’ moment of success which I can define and relate needless to say, the quest has not been easy.
Success, for me has never been a moment, like many other people, I am sure. It has been a journey,a struggle to achieve that moment of peace, the moment of accomplishment, the feeling of knowing I have arrived and enjoy my place in the sun. The more I turned the pages of my past the more I stumbled upon each big or small accomplishment, which at that moment stood out like my moment in the spotlight. Till I moved on, encountered new struggles and the elation of that moment dissipated in the wake of new challenges. But isn’t that what life is about?