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harry potter and the goblet of fire
Wren & Martin
Book by P. C. Wren
261 ratings
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hi !
I am a teacher and had a long relationship with students and their study needs, I have gone through Wren & Martin series and found them pretty interested , informative and valuable for all others who so ever want to get benefited . This combination is fantastic and really comprehensive. So, I ...More
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Ritika Dubey
18 hours ago
I found this book lying somewhere in my home while decluttering the house and that's when I started to study it. As I went through the pages of this book, I observed that my English improved a lot since then.
If anybody wants to prepare for a competitive exam and wants the perfect book for English, ...More
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neeraj shukla
a year ago
This is the ultimate book. Don't search any book of English grammar here and there.Start to study, you will get excellent results. All other books have been written on the basis of the rules given in this very book by changing the context, sequence, examples etc.
31 people found this helpful.
Show more › product-re... reviews: Key to Wren & Martin's Regular & Multicolour ...
Top positive review ... Wren and Martin is a standard book which has been used for decades for teaching English grammar. It is a must have for all children ...
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