suggest any six methods of water conservation in india?
1)Avoid leakage of water from the taps.
2)Rainwater harvesting is the another method to conserve water.
3)The water supply should be limited in those areas which enjoys the unlimited water supplies.
4)Educate the mind of the people in the rural areas to save the water.
5)Use minimum amount of water to bath.
6)Water Waste restrictions.
7)Improvement in the water distribution system.
There are several other hyperlocal versions of the traditional method of tank irrigation in India. ... Productively combining these structures with modern rainwater-saving techniques, such as percolation tanks, injection wells and subsurface barriers, could be the answer to India's perennial water woes.
Capture the water that is leaking and repair it as soon as possible. You can use washing machine to wash clothes that does not consume much water. Donot leave the tap running while washing the dishes in the kitchen. Install small shower heads to reduce the flow of water.✌️