suggest any six ways to end gender discrimination . explain
1. Speak out about your own experiences
It’s important, if you feel comfortable, to call out your own experiences of discrimination. This could be highlighting sexist remarks made by your friends or peers or reporting harassment on public transport.
It’s important to note that there are dangers associated with calling others out on their behaviour. People may not like to have their viewpoints challenged; they may react in a negative or aggressive way, so if your instincts tells you that a situation is too risky, your own safety is the priority.
Often the best course of action when discrimination is experienced is to alert an authority figure - a member of staff on public transport, or where relevant your teacher or your boss. The more they are made aware these issues are happening, the more they’ll be encouraged to step in and be part of the solution.
2. Call out discrimination in the media and advertising
Write to advertisers, marketers and media outlets if you come across stories that portray women and girls in a reductive or unfair way.
Are there gender stereotypes in your textbooks at school?
Does an advert in your city objectify women?
Does a film you’ve watched have fewer speaking roles for women?
Find out who is responsible and write to them to let them know your thoughts.
Also - vote with your feet. Don’t support entertainment that is disrespectful to girls and women and doesn’t represent their true power, potential, talent and diversity.
Boys in Sri Lanka are gender equality allies
Boys in Sri Lanka are supporting Girls Get Equal as allies.
3. Support other campaigners
A great way to make a big effect in the pursuit of gender equality is to join with others. Seek out local campaign groups. Join or set up school or university societies for gender equality and female leadership. There is strength in numbers - more voices tackling a particular issue means they are more likely to be heard.
Helping to raise the profile of campaigns by other marginalised groups is a vital part of ending discrimination. For example, girls from a minority or indigenous community may experience racism as well as sexism, and members of the LGBTIQ+ community may also be experiencing homophobia. Be their allies and lend your voice to their causes.
4. It’s OK to not challenge discrimination every time you see it
As mentioned above, sometimes calling out discrimination can carry risks. It’s not your job alone to fix the world. We are all part of the same movement.
Just changing how we relate with others, and demanding that others do the same, will not end gender inequality. Lasting change will only happen if the institutions that affect our lives also change. Don’t feel defeated by these big obstacles - each small achievement is an extra step towards our shared goal.
Caring for ourselves means we can continue to advocate for gender equality so always make sure you are maintaining your own wellbeing.