suggest any topic for essay
- " a day in the life of ______"
- "the first time i _____"
- How covid is affecting me
- the hardest thing you've experienced
- social justice topics (ex: womens empowerment, global warming, racism, LGBTQ+ rights)
- How to ______ (write about something you like/know about)
- My aim in life
- My perfect world would look like...
- How growing up with technology has affected my life
- The life of a ____ ( write about something you are ex: big brother, athlete, dancer, artist, son/daughter, dreamer)
- Why I belive in/ don't belive in ____ (ex: ghosts, astrology, god)
- If I could change one thing about my life, it would be _____
- My favorite _____ (book/movie/ song) and why its my favourite
- An experience that made you realize that your parents aren't always right
- The best peice of advice I've ever heard
- why you should care about ______ (write something you care about, ex: human rights)
- The best day ever. (you can either write about a day that already ahppened or one that you want to happen)
-If I were a millionaire I would _______