suggest how written communication can be made effective.
tactics to improve written communication:
1]Stop writing, first starting thinking -
Effective written communication starts before you type your first word. To write clearly, you have to think clearly
2]Keep it simple-
In writing as in life, the simplest solution is generally the best one
3]Take Your own time to Write-
If you do not have time to write it right, do not bother wasting your time. The more important the message, the shorter and concise you want the message.
4] your written work must undergo three important stages before you print it out or
submit it to be marked or sent to the printer, namely:
• planning stage,
• writing stage, and
• editing stage.
5]written document should have:
• efficiency,
• equity, and
• effectiveness
6]According to Sebranek, Meyer &
Kemper (1996), writing, like “basketball and juggling, is not a God-given mysterious talent given only
to a chosen few but, rather, a skill that gets better with practice, a practice that involves increased
challenges and, therefore, risk.” By continually practicing and editing your own work, you can also
avoid making grammatical errors. Errors in writing make a document difficult to read and cause
communication barriers.