suggest two ways of saving water
There are various ways of saving water.
Some examples are :
1. Always turn off the taps after use. Never let your consumption of water run out of your control.
2.While boiling water, boil just that much you need. Save water, money, and energy by boiling just as many cups of water you need.
Other ways are :
• Shower with less using good water spray. This will result in water saving and taking a good bath.
• Control washing your dirty clothes. and wash reasonably...
• Use a low-flush toilet.
• Eat less meat.
Water is one of essential resources without which we cannot survive in this world. We need water to drink, bath and also for other irrigation purposes. But are we really worried about the availability of water? I think the answer is somewhere around 50-50. Because we worry of wastage of water and try to teach our children and elders to make sure the tap is closed properly but are we really conserving water for future? The answer is no. For conservation of water, one can actually start with rain water conservation i.e. by collecting the rain water and purifying and use it for household and irrigation purposes.