Social Sciences, asked by rakhig36, 1 year ago

Suggest ways and means to check density of population.


Answered by shashankjaiswal7331

Population of India is quite large and rapidly increasing. One percent growth rate means an addition of 1 crore people every year but actually speaking 2 crore persons are being adding every year.

So effective population control measures is the need of the hour. We know that birth rate is mainly responsible for rapid population growth.

Hence measures which can reduce the birth rate should be adopted. These measures can be classified into 3 heads.

A. Social Measure:

Population explosion is a social problem and it is deeply rooted in the society. So efforts must be done to remove the social evils in the country.

1. Minimum age of Marriage:

As fertility depends on the age of marriage. So the minimum age of marriage should be raised. In India minimum age for marriage is 21 years for men and 18 years for women has be fixed by law. This law should be firmly implemented and people should also be made aware of this through publicity.

Answered by anamikakumari177


मिनिमम एज ऑफ मैरिज मस्ट बे फॉलोवड स्ट्रिक्टली फैमिली प्लानिंग मछली इनकरेज पीपल मस्ट बे मेड अवेयर ऑफ डिफरेंट मेथड ऑफ बर्थ कंट्रोल फीमेल लिटरेसी रेट इन एजुकेशन मस्ट बे इनकरेज्ड बिकॉज एजुकेटेड पीपल हैव अ बेटर आउटलुक टुवर्ड्स फैमिली साइज

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