History, asked by bts98, 1 year ago

suggested quiotion answer from history chapter 8 ruler livelihood


Answered by techerectorindia



Q2: List the main problems being faced by Indian farmers today.


The three problems faced by the Indian farmers are:-

Lack of availability of water for irrigation. The high yielding variety of seeds, chemical fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides etc. are very expensive, the farmers find it difficult to purchase them.

Most of the farmers have small holdings which are uneconomical.

In case of a crop failure, it becomes difficult in paying the loans taken from the banks and private money lenders. In order, to pay the debts, they are compelled to sell their produce at cheaper rates.

Q3: Write short notes on rural livelihoods.

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People in rural areas earn their living in various ways. Some work on farms while others earn their living on non-farms activates. Working on farms involves operations such as preparing the land, sowing, weeding and harvesting of crops. Most farmers grow crops both for their own requirements and also to sell in the market. There are some families in rural areas which thrive on large acres of lands, business and other activities. However, most small farmers, agricultural labourers, fishing families, crafts persons in the village do not find enough work to keep them employed throughout the year.

Q4: Describe the causes for the growth of agricultural labourers.

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The causes for the growth of agricultural labourers are as follows:-

Increase in population

Decline of cottage and handicraft industries.

Increase in indebtness.

Eviction of small farmers and tenants from land.

Q5: Define the term bank.

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The term bank ordinally applied to an institution which recieves deposits of money or of credit and which seeks profits through the extension or sale of its own credit.

Q6: What is special about Chakhesang community?

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The people of Chizami have their own individual fields but they also work collectively in each other’s fields. They form groups of six or eight and take an entire mountainside to clean the weeds on it. All groups eat together once their work for the day is over. This goes on for several days until the job is completed.

Q7: State any five suggestions to raise agricultural productivity?

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The agricultural productivity can be raised by providing the proper marketing facilities, provisions of better irrigational facilities, reduction of population burden on land, development of cottage and small scale industries and encouraging cooperative farming.

Q8: Give any five causes for the backwardness of Indian agriculture.


The main causes for the backwardness of the Indian agriculture are as follows:-

Small and fragmented land holding

Vicious circle of poverty

Excessive dependence on monsoons

No scientific method of cultivation

Floods and droughts

Q9: What are the main activities of people living near coastal village areas?

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People in villages near coastal areas earn their livelihood by fishing. Their houses are close to sea and one finds rows of catamarans and nets lying around. At about 7 a.m. there are lot of activities on beach, this is the time when catamarans return with their catch and women gather to buy and sell fish.

Q10: What is Plantation Agriculture?

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Plantation agriculture is a type of commercial farming where single crop of tea, coffee, sugarcane, banana or cotton are grown. It requires the large amount of labour and capital. Major plantation are found in the tropical regions of the world like rubber in Malayasia, coffee in Brazil, tea in India etc.

Q11: Discuss the problems faced by the fishermen during the monsoon season.

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During the monsoon season, the fishermen cannot go to the sea because this is when the fish breed. These months are the most difficult ones. They survive by borrowing money from traders. Because of this they face a problem of selling the fish to traders on low prices and cannot do their own auctions.

Q12: Abhi is a small farmer. He often needs to borrow money. Why?

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Many times small farmers like Chhotu have to borrow money to purchase seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. They borrow money from rich farmers, shopkeepers, traders or moneylenders. Sometimes, either the seeds are not of good quality or pests attack them due to which crops get ruined. Failure of monsoon or untimely rainfall damages crops. In such a situation, farmers are unable to pay back their loans. Farmers also borrow money for marriage or any other social functions in the family. Many a times, they borrow money to purchase food items and to manage other daily expenditures.

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